Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Chrome paintings

Really I do keep on painting regardless of the length of time between my posts. Some weeks are more productive than others. Here are a couple of paintings that are destined to be sold and have a prominent display on some car buff's den wall. Right!??
The watercolor above is the Mustang ornament found on the front grill of the cars. Doing these chrome pieces  in watercolor is a challenge but I think this one is successful. At the beginning I thought that I could turn these ornament paintings out quickly but find that so far they are quite work intensive.

While on vacation this August, one of our stops was the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. We were there toward the end of speed week. It was quite an experience just seeing all that white salt that so reminded us of our frozen lakes in January except the temperatures were reaching 95 degrees instead of 5 degrees. This trophy was awarded to the fastest car during that whole week. George Poteet and Main, the driver and his team, posted the record for the week of over 401 mph. This is just the top half of the trophy, the bottom half has every driver's name engraved on it from early on.   This painting goes to George for his wall of fame. ;-)

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